
Showing posts from October, 2023

... and Back Again

  Sunrise in Nebraska yesterday... Today, we returned safely in Margate, NJ!   God bless, Father and Father 

Wyoming to Nebraska

Two days of hard driving to return home. In Wyoming, we had to push it to avoid snow! Today was the last bit of Wyoming and most of Nebraska. The photo is is driving into the area that was just overcoming a tornado warning.... God bless,  Father and Father 


In 1951, my father worked for the Bonneville Power Administration for five weeks before entering the Navy while the draft continued for the Korean War. Today he visited the dam for the first time in 72 years. God bless, Father and Father 

The Grotto

Greetings and prayers from the Grotto of Our Sorrowful Mother in Portland, Oregon! God bless, Father and Father


We made it to Oregon! Here my father is on the beach by the wreck of the Peter Iredale, which crashed in 1906 just for miles south of where the Columbia River pours into the Pacific. And in all our travels, we saw elk. Sorry, no pictures....  God bless, Father and Father 

Leaving Alaska Behind

We arrived back in Seattle this morning. Along the way, we saw a pod of orcas. Unfortunately, my father was sleeping and missed the killer whales.  It was a long hallway from one end of the boat to the other.  We saw some beautiful moonrises. ... and sunrises! God bless, Father and Father


The bald eagle on the top of the church greets you! God bless, Father and Father

Glacier Bay National Park

Seat otters

Skagway, Alaska

The White Pass Train...  Yukon, ho!  God bless, Father and Father 

Juneau, Alaska
