
Showing posts from September, 2023


We are off to Alaska! (And probably unable to update this blog for a while.) God bless, Father and Father 

There she is!

Mount Rainier from the sky! We saw it from the plane today as Ed Bryce let my father fly, which he hasn't done in about twice years.   From Mt. Rainer to Snoqualmie Falls...  Happy feast of the Archangels, Father and Father

Happy Feast of the Archangels!

Happy Feast Day! These photos were taken at St. Ignatius Mission in Montana on September 18. God bless, Father and Father 

Misty Mountains

Alas, we never saw the top of Mr. Ranier. It was beautiful in it's own right, but wet and cloudy. We stopped by the Dominican church of Blessed Sacrament in Seattle on our way back to my cousin's. Although it continues to rain, it could be much more disastrous....  God bless, Father and Father

Rainiest Rainier

We made it. Paradise! Who knew that Paradise what outside cell phone coverage? Let's not jump ahead, but look back at the beginning of the rain from the last two days. While in Olympic National Park, we went to the Hoh Rainforest, which receives the most rain of any place in the United States. Yesterday was no exception. (The day before, actually, because I was not able to post it last night with the poor call service.)  We started the day at Neah Bay, saying Mass at the father northwest corner of the USA. Am I the first? Who knows? But notice how calm the bay looking north is. That was yesterday. And yes, that's Canada in the background.  so calm...  And today on the west side of the peninsula....  (that rock is not that much smaller than the one in Neah Bay above)  Surf's up!  I knew there would be large waves in paradise.  And rain. We did not get you see the top of Mount Rainier. 

Olympic National Park

Madison Falls God bless, Father and Father 

Washington State

On the ferry to Olympic National Park!  Yesterday we visited with my cousin Richard and his wife Traci, just north of Seattle. We visited the grave of my Uncle Raymond, the next oldest Dosch brother to my father and his fellow troublemaker growing up.  Today we're off to see the mountains! Happy Sunday!  God bless,  Father and Father 

Happy Hobbit Day!

"I want to see mountains again, Gandalf, mountains, and then find somewhere where I can rest." - Bilbo Baggins Well, we may be following the example of only a few exceptional hobbits by our adventures (although we have yet to be late for dinner!), but we saw mountains today that would have made old Bilbo envious. The scenic highway through the North Cascades was truly remarkable.  And of course, we find more dams. My father was impressed, and so was all of Isengard.  Happy Hobbit Day! God bless, Father and Father

Happy Feast of St. Matthew!

Yay!  Let's celebrate today's feast in a playground!  This was taken at the Chief Joseph Dam, the second greatest producing after the Grand Coulee Dam, which we also saw just before this.  It didn't have swings though. We stopped at the KOA campground, just east of the entrance to North Cascades National Park. Happy Feast Day, Father and Father